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What Veterans UK does

Veterans UK administers the armed forces pension schemes and compensation payments for those injured or bereaved through service.  Visit the site to find out more. Veterans UK is part of the Ministry of Defence. Click on the logo to the left for the Veterans UK web site.

If you are ex services and need help, then please make contact through the above link.

The good news is that Veteran Railcards will be launched on Armistice Day, Wednesday 11 November 2020.

More details are to follow, but it is expected to be up to a third off train travel with spouses/partners included if travelling with the veteran.

US Style Benefits

Government ministers have also been quoted elsewhere declaring the Government’s vision was for UK Veterans to be treated similarly to those in the US where former servicemen and women enjoy many benefits and a comparatively higher profile.  More on that, as and when we know the details.

Armed Forces & Veterans’ Breakfast Club

You may be aware of the Armed Forces & Veterans’ Breakfast Club that operates all over the UK and indeed overseas.  A good place to chat and the link is below

Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club

Mental Health

The REME Association is there for us all and is the glue that bonds the REME Family together.  It is where we can turn to find former comrades who wore our cap-badge and have shared our experiences if we are in need of a chat and a friendly face.  There are some though that are in need of much more.  I am sure you have been deeply moved by the news stories in recent years highlighting the mental health and PTSD struggles many of our former comrades are facing.   The REME Charity is here to help and ensure that no one suffers in silence.  The REME Charity and our Welfare Warrant Officer, WO2 Kelvin Redshaw, works closely with service charities, in particular the RBL and SSAFA but also Combat Stress.  The link is below and please ensure anyone you know who may be struggling knows where to turn.   


HM Armed Forces Veterans Badge
HM Armed Forces Veterans Badge

Veterans Badge

You can get an armed forces veterans badge if you’ve served in any of the UK armed forces – there’s no fee

Apply for your Veterans Badge Here

With thanks to Stu Cowen, who sends out the REME Association News Letter

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