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Welcome To The Armourers' Association

The Cap Badges of our Members

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers

RM Cap Badge KC

Royal Marines

Gurkha Regiment

Royal Gibraltar Regiment

We are a non-profit organisation and fund all of our activities through donations from our members.  Your generous help is much appreciated.  It is only through the participation of our members, that the Association will continue to thrive and be able to maintain the traditions of our historic trade.

About Us

Our web site is intended to keep you in touch with friends and comrades and membership is open to Armourers; Gun Fitters; Artificer Weapons; past and present, who serve(d) in REME, RAOC, RM, the Gurkha Brigade and Royal Gibraltar Regiment.

Armourers and Gun Fitters of other Services and Defence Forces, including Commonwealth Countries, may become Associate Members.

Details of membership eligibility can be found on the Membership page and the Membership Application forms can be found Here.

Members Only Pages

Some pages contain information for Armourers’ Association members only. If you are already a member, you can register to see these pages by hovering over the Login tab and then clicking on Register. Once your application is verified you will receive a message telling you that you are now able to login.

Once registered with this web site, you will then have access to our News Letters, Dinner Reply Form, AGM Minutes and Committee Minutes.

For Our Members

Our News Letter

Back copies on the news letter page

Arms News Front Page

Annual Reunion Dinner

Details can be found on the Events page

Association Shop

Buy your Armourers statue Now!

The Armourer Statue Front Left

 Facebook Closed forum

Talk to your fellow Armourers who are members of the forum and ask them to send you an invitation to join

Association email address


Contact the Secretary for details

If you have any comments about the web site content, or have ideas you would like to see included, please contact the Secretary.