ZigaForm version 6.1.1

The Armourers' Association



We currently have a vacancy for Vice-Secretary, which can include some of the following duties:

Membership Database

Currently we have nearly 700 active members on our database, so it is important to keep accurate records and comply with any appropriate legislation.  The database is built in FileMaker Pro which has a learning curve if you are not familiar with it.

General Secretarial Duties

Meeting minutes for the AGM and Committee meetings

Annual Dinner Organisation

Finding suitable venue and agreeing it with members, organising the event from start to finish.  Ensuring that the event is advertised in the news letter and on the web site.  Liaising with the Secretary for numbers attending and all monies collected/spent.  Organise the guest of honour and suitable gifts.  Organise the raffle and star prize, plus encourage members to provide suitable items to raffle.

News Letter Editor and Scribe

This will require access to, and the ability to use suitable word processing software.  Provide articles relevant to the membership from guest contributors and the ability to pen suitable articles if needed.


The treasurer is responsible for all of the association monies and presents a statement of our accounts at the AGM and committee meetings.

Stock Management

We hold association items; statues, ties, mugs, plaques, lapel badges.  The items are advertised on our web site.  Responsibilities include liaising with suppliers, maintaining the stock levels and posting items to members as they are ordered.

Web Site Management

The web site is currently built using Word Press, so the ability to use this software would be needed.  But no worries, it’s simple and easy to use.

The duties may be split between different people, so if you have a particular strength, e.g. Organisation, the annual dinner may be a suitable task for you.  Taking on one or more of the above duties would be an ideal opportunity to get involved with the Association and help to keep our Association alive.

Annual Dinner Organisation

At the AGM, it was suggested that the organisation of the annual dinner could be taken on by a different person each year.  This could mean going to different locations each year, but would need to be somewhere that members are prepared to travel to.

If you are able to offer assistance with any of the above, please contact the Secretary