ZigaForm version 6.1.1

Armourer Statue

At the AGM in September 2018, it was agreed that we would purchase a statue of “The Armourer” for sale to members.  The template will be “The Armourer” by Gaudex which is displayed in the Armourers and Braziers Hall.  See the above image.

We have agreed to pay £750 for the production of the mould, which will then become our property.  The mould is currently being made and will be inspected by the committee before being accepted.  Once in production we will nee to sell at least 50 of the statues at a price of £80 to recoup our initial outlay.

To ensure that we sell sufficient numbers of the statue, a deposit of £20 for each item will be sought from potential purchasers.

Once we have some pictures of the mould, they will be published for all to see and your comments are most welcome.

Thank you to those of you who are letting us know that you will purchase one of the statues.  I will maintain a list of names and once we have stock will contact you.

UPDATE – 14 December 2018

We now have the first photo of the base master mould, see the picture to the right.

As others become available we will share them with you.

UPDATE – 21 December 2018

Three more images for you, the next one should be the assembled statue.


  1. Bob and I had the opportunity to see and sign off on the model of the Armourer today. It will now go to the making of moulds stage and from there it is a short step to actual production. The model certainly looks the business and hopefully will be very much in demand.

  2. Just received my Statue, excellent piece of work, even been allowed to move pottery cat from the middle of mantelpiece to put it in pride of place.

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